네비게이션 바로가기 본문 바로가기 푸터 바로가기

Regeneration of skin layers in which
the damaged skin recovers itself

JK Recovery Injection

A subtle glow,
no BB cream necessary
  • A beauty with healthy and glowing skin By resolving skin aging problems through self restoring ability!

    Activity of aged or damaged skin reduces, increasing wrinkles and reducing elasticity.
    JK Recovery injection improves physiological conditions inside the damaged skin by self-regenerating skin layers, and naturally regenerates the skin structure.

    • Improvement of the skin’s environment, and increased elasticity of the skin-Young and healthy skin
    • Increases the number of vitality biolayer and creates collagen
    • Recovers fundamental skin health and elasticity through regeneration and skin renewingof the extracellular matrix
    • Short recovery period and relatively low side effects

    * The optimal effect can be achieved through 4 procedures every 2~3 weeks.

Aging skin vs. Healthy skin

Aging skin is skin that has reduced moisture content in the skin itself, which results in aging of the skin, such as wrinkles, sagging and pigments (age spot or freckles).

JK Recovery Injection is effective for those who have the following problems.

  • 탄력
  • 탄력
  • 탄력
  • 탄력
  • 탄력
  • 탄력

A reliable genuine product
Effective dosage use

A reliable genuine product Effective dosage use

Total care system
that is more effective
when conducted together


Even the simplest procedures are held to the same safety standards. Direct diagnosis and treatment by a plastic surgeon

전문의가 직접 진료

Hygienic and safe treatment Hygiene management and design based on the hospital certification



Skills and experience at a different level!

Trained in a systematic course of plastic surgeon in a university hospital,
Simple procedures that are more natural due to long-term know hows



환자분들의 셀카
Here are
selfies of actual patients who received
anti-aging procedures from JK.
환자분들의 셀카
  • Please be sure to tell your coordinator if you have any unusual conditions, are pregnant or are taking any medication.

  • If you have a cold and have severe phlegm, coughs and a runny nose, it is recommended that you postpone the procedure.

  • During the first two days after the procedure, swelling or bruising may occur, but it will gradually decrease thereafter.

  • Do not scrub the injection site for one or two days after treatment. Please avoid saunas, intense sun exposure, extreme exercise and drinking for 2~3 days

There may be complications such as post-operative bleeding, infection or inflammation. Subjective satisfaction may vary from individual to individual, so please consult your doctor.
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